it's a blog eat blog world

Monday, February 14, 2005

Breaking news!

A man was discovered brutally ripping his Creative earphones in half, rendering it totally dead to the world.

At approximately 7pm today, the earphone was cruelly dragged out of its protective bag and was forcefully wedged into the ears of the said man. The man then started torturing the it by playing loud senseless garbage called music through it causing massive vibrations in the internal parts of the earphones.

As if the appalling horrors it was put through wasn't enough, the man had to squat down while having the poor defenceless earphones on and the earphones got caught below the left leg of the man. When the man stood up, this effectively caused the earphones to rip in the middle, thereby ending its life of terror.

Let us give one minute of silence for this poor earphone, whose lifespan would have been much longer, if not for the man's brutal murder.


*BAWL* My poor earphones!!! Now i have to use something else, which cannot match the pure pristine whiteness of my beloved Movu(Muvo. I actually typed Movu...)!

And freaking hell M'sia have to keep shooting fireworks every freaking day! Are they gonna celebrate everyday till the 15th day of the Chinese New Year? What are they trying to prove? That they have more sky than us?


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